5 Surprising Signs of Heart Trouble

A word of warning from cardiologists: Never ignore these symptoms — they could signal serious problems.
From: Womans Day  
1. Sudden Sight issues:
If, out of nowhere, you start seeing double or have blurred vision or vision loss in one or both eyes, go to the emergency room. All of these signs can indicate a stroke.

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2. Upset stomach:
Abdominal pressure that can't be linked to something you recently ate could point to a heart attack — particularly if you also experience fatigue or shortness of breath. The faster you're treated, the better the prognosis, so head to the ER right away if you have severe stomach discomfort or nausea.
3. Swollen legs:
Swelling or pain in your legs — especially if you're also out of breath or have chest pain— could be a sign of deep vein thrombosis. This condition can lead to a life-threatening blockage in your arteries, so call your doctor as soon as you notice the problem.
4. Discloloured eyelids:
If your eyelids become yellow or have yellowish spots, your cholesterol may be high, which could put you at risk of heart trouble. Get your levels checked, and if they're elevated, talk to your physician about the steps you can take to lower them, whether through medication, diet changes or physical activity.
Related - Some drugs for treating heartburn may increase heart attack risk.
5. Red, Sore gums:
Cardiovascular problems can arise if oral bacteria enter the bloodstream and collect in the heart valves. Research shows that seeing your dentist regularly to treat inflammation through periodontal therapy (deep cleaning) may also lower heart disease risk.

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