How to Use Potato Peels for Skin Whitening and Shiny Hair

You all know that potatoes are loaded with good stuff, as the are rich in vitamin B and C, can prevent wrinkles and brighten your skin tone. But did you know that its peel have many uses and benefits as well?
Potato peel is not just a household waste. Here are the beauty benefits it provides.

Potato Peels for Hair Treatment

Potato peels can help add luster and shine to your hair. This can also help your hair to grow faster.
1. Blend the potato peels.
2. Apply the juice on your scalp.
3. Massage it for at least 5 minutes.
4. Leave it on for another 15 minutes.
5. Wash it off using warm water.

Potato Peels for Skin Whitening

Do not throw away the potato peel, as you can use it for beauty purposes. You can use it as a great bleaching agent.
Potato peel contain potent bleaching properties that can lighten your skin, uneven skin tone and get rid of tanning.
1. Peel the potato.
2. Rub the inner surface of the peel on your skin. Remember to make sure the peel is still fresh and contains moisture.
3. You can add some lemon juice to the potato peel, to speed up the process. These 2 ingredients when combine will help bleach your skin.
4. Allow the juice of the peel to stay on your face until it dry up.
5. Wash it off using warm water.
Apply this on your face regularly to see effective results.

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