How to Prepare Beans to Avoid Excessive Gas and Bloating

Beans are a nutritious, protein-packed staple enjoyed worldwide, but they come with a common side effect: gas and bloating. The culprit is oligosaccharides—complex sugars in beans that are hard for our digestive system to break down. If gas has made you shy away from eating beans, don’t worry! With the right preparation techniques, you can enjoy beans without the discomfort. 

Below are proven tips to help reduce excessive gas when cooking and eating beans.

1. Soak Overnight  

Soaking beans for at least 8 hours breaks down gas-causing sugars. Drain, rinse, and cook with fresh water.

2. Quick Soak Method  

Boil beans for 2 minutes, then let them sit covered for 1-2 hours. Drain, rinse, and cook.

3. Add Gas-Reducing Ingredients  

Add bay leaves, cumin, or ginger while cooking to help reduce gas.

See also: 5 Ways Beans Can Improve Your Heart Health

4. Cook Thoroughly  

Fully cook beans until tender to make them easier to digest. Undercooked beans are harder to digest and can cause more gas. Use fresh water (not the soaking water) and simmer the beans slowly until fully cooked.

5. Use a Pressure Cooker  

Pressure cooking reduces both cooking time and gas-causing compounds.

6. Chew Thoroughly  

Chew beans well and eat slowly to aid digestion.

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